U.S. State Department’s EcoPartnerships Program Partnership Opportunity with Faith2Green’s US-Israel Eco-Technology Development Program
Program Expansion – US & Israel
The EcoPartnerships program partnership with Faith2Green will bring together Israeli and U.S. entities from the public, private, and civic sectors to create mutual economic and environmental benefits.
The current U.S.-China EcoPartnerships program in conjunction with the U.S.- China Ten Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and Environment have been extremely successful in solidifying relationships between Chinese and American companies, research universities, and even cities. There is great potential in expanding this program to Israel, another nation with an established clean technology market. Israel has proven time and again that their clean technologies and vigor for sustainability are world class. Israel is currently second only to the US in venture capital investments and companies on NASDAQ. The sheer number and quality of both US and Israel eco-technology companies will prove to make this a valuable partnership. Faith2Green’s Eco-Technology Development Program has proven that a relationship between Israel and the U.S. to bring together ideas, resources, and direction can be extraordinarily beneficial to both nations. Multinational collaboration between Israel and the U.S. will aid in the international push for environmental responsibility and secure our nations as global leaders in sustainability.
The EcoPartnerships program partnership with Faith2Green will bring together Israeli and U.S. entities from the public, private, and civic sectors to create mutual economic and environmental benefits.
The current U.S.-China EcoPartnerships program in conjunction with the U.S.- China Ten Year Framework for Cooperation on Energy and Environment have been extremely successful in solidifying relationships between Chinese and American companies, research universities, and even cities. There is great potential in expanding this program to Israel, another nation with an established clean technology market. Israel has proven time and again that their clean technologies and vigor for sustainability are world class. Israel is currently second only to the US in venture capital investments and companies on NASDAQ. The sheer number and quality of both US and Israel eco-technology companies will prove to make this a valuable partnership. Faith2Green’s Eco-Technology Development Program has proven that a relationship between Israel and the U.S. to bring together ideas, resources, and direction can be extraordinarily beneficial to both nations. Multinational collaboration between Israel and the U.S. will aid in the international push for environmental responsibility and secure our nations as global leaders in sustainability.

Forging a relationship with Israel would be infinitely valuable to both of our nations. Such a program truly represents the tip of the iceberg. After a strong US-Israel program is established, a nexus between China, Israel, and the United States could yield a much greater benefit. As a means for eventually approaching this three pronged relationship, creating the EcoPartnerships program with Israel based on the existing program with China will provide a flavor of the prosperity that can be achieved when these economically-strong nations come together with a common purpose.
Current Eco-Technology Programs
US State Department EcoPartnerships Program
The US State Department EcoPartnerships Program elevates sub-national efforts to international prominence. The EcoPartnerships program is very unique in that it brings together valuable networks of private sector investment, state and local expertise, and high-level policymakers in both the U.S. and Chinese government. EcoPartnerships are established to advance energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability while addressing climate change by encouraging voluntary, cooperative partnerships at the sub-national level. The existing program focuses on the following areas:
- Clean Air
- Clean and Efficient Transportation
- Clean, Efficient, and Secure Electricity
- Clean Water
- Energy Efficiency
- Protected Areas/Nature Reserves
- Wetlands Conservation
Current Eco-Technology Programs
US State Department EcoPartnerships Program
The US State Department EcoPartnerships Program elevates sub-national efforts to international prominence. The EcoPartnerships program is very unique in that it brings together valuable networks of private sector investment, state and local expertise, and high-level policymakers in both the U.S. and Chinese government. EcoPartnerships are established to advance energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability while addressing climate change by encouraging voluntary, cooperative partnerships at the sub-national level. The existing program focuses on the following areas:
- Clean Air
- Clean and Efficient Transportation
- Clean, Efficient, and Secure Electricity
- Clean Water
- Energy Efficiency
- Protected Areas/Nature Reserves
- Wetlands Conservation
Faith2Green’s Eco-Technology Development Program

This program was developed to foster and build bridges between the U.S. and Israeli eco-technology sectors. Participants are given the opportunity to build personal relationships with and support the most promising and innovative environmental technology companies. This opportunity encourages and achieves our goal to develop new partnerships between the U.S. and Israeli companies.
Since the start of the program, Faith2Green and Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life in Southern California (COEJLSC) have been instrumental in securing over $2 billion in client sales and creating hundreds of jobs in the Israeli technology sector. One of the program’s essential features is an annual trip to Israel where attendees have the opportunity to visit environmental technology companies in Israel and attend the WATEC or Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy conferences and workshops. A distinguished delegation of city council members, state senate/assembly members, other public officials, and business and environmental leaders take part in the 9-day trip.
Attendees from our previous trips include program Co-Chair Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield; former Vice President of Generation at Southern California Edison Pedro Pizarro; Aaron Grunfeld, Board Member of the Metropolitan Water District; David Beckman of the National Resources Defense Council; Brad Cox of the Los Angeles Business Council, and many other key influential community stakeholders. During our last U.S.-Israel Eco-Technology trip to Israel, Faith2Green along with California Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield facilitated a letter of intent between California and Israel, expanding collaboration on renewable energy research and business development. This letter was signed by the Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. We are currently working with Governor Brown and his office on continuing this effort.
Since the start of the program, Faith2Green and Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life in Southern California (COEJLSC) have been instrumental in securing over $2 billion in client sales and creating hundreds of jobs in the Israeli technology sector. One of the program’s essential features is an annual trip to Israel where attendees have the opportunity to visit environmental technology companies in Israel and attend the WATEC or Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy conferences and workshops. A distinguished delegation of city council members, state senate/assembly members, other public officials, and business and environmental leaders take part in the 9-day trip.
Attendees from our previous trips include program Co-Chair Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield; former Vice President of Generation at Southern California Edison Pedro Pizarro; Aaron Grunfeld, Board Member of the Metropolitan Water District; David Beckman of the National Resources Defense Council; Brad Cox of the Los Angeles Business Council, and many other key influential community stakeholders. During our last U.S.-Israel Eco-Technology trip to Israel, Faith2Green along with California Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield facilitated a letter of intent between California and Israel, expanding collaboration on renewable energy research and business development. This letter was signed by the Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. We are currently working with Governor Brown and his office on continuing this effort.